Our Classes

Spark = Beginner

Burn = Intermediate

Blaze = Intermediate/Advanced

We also have many All Level Classes to light your fire!

  • Reformer Spark/Burn/Blaze

    Work the Pilates system in any of our Reformer classes. Challenge your body and build strength, coordination, breath, balance and mobility. You will leave feeling centered and connected and maybe a little taller!

  • Mat Spark/Burn/Blaze:

    Challenge yourself at whatever fitness level you are in our Mat Classes.

    Full body and focus on deep strength, flexibility, breath and mobility. Not a single muscle will be neglected!

  • Classical Springs

    Learning the Pilates system of exercises with tower springs! You will strengthen, stretch and tone and exercise control of your body through the spring system while developing skills like balance and coordination, effective breathing and spinal mobility.

  • Barre

    The Barre Variations Method combines classical ballet with pilates, yoga and functional training to provide an efficient and challenging full body workout.

  • Pilates Bootcamp

    A Pilates "bootcamp" class exercising the principles of Pilates: Focus, Centering, Concentration, Control, Precision, Breathing.

    For everyone who wants to feel what it was like, or what we think it was like to take a class with Joseph Pilates himself! It will be challenging and fun. Be prepared to sweat and work hard but get more out of this bootcamp than any other.

  • Pilates Playground

    Let's play!

    Pilates Playground is a fun way to use different apparatus and tools to learn the Pilates system. Think of it like a Pilates circuit. We use the reformer, towers, mat, chairs and small tools like weights and magic circles to get you moving! Movement will become more natural and fun once again!

  • TRX Pilates

    Our suspension training classes will challenge every muscle, elevate your heart rate, and build your stamina. This class is full throttle and is a good addition to elevate your fitness and Pilates Practice.

  • Breath & Body with Sound Healing

    Feeling stressed? This class is for you!

    An immersive sensory experience with the addition of sound healing audio. We use the Pilates Mat system while focusing on the breath connection, relieving stress and calming the nervous system.

    It is a moving meditation

  • Pilates Cardio Mat

    A Pilates Mat Class with interval bursts of cardio using sliders, jump boards, and regular old high intensity movements. Get your sweat up, your tension down and feel great all over!

  • Pilates Stretch & Restore

    Feeling stiff? Sore? Had a stressful week? This class will reset your body, mind and restore your flexibility and mobility. Work through the Pilates system with a catered theme of calming the nervous system and stretching the tightness and stress right out. Enhance your breath, slow your mind, and restore your systems so they can operate maximally.

    Relaxing and Invigorating at the same time!

Need More?

We also offer Private and Semi-Private instruction — perfect for those brand new to Pilates, recovering from an injury or surgery, or have a specific condition to be addressed. Private sessions are also a great way to work on your unique goals - providing an opportunity to have a session thoughtfully tailored just for YOU!